New Spanish loan regulation takes its toll on August completions Data published by the INE in Spain today showed new mortgages take a hit in Spain. Delays in completions. Caused by the new regulatory requirements implemented in June. The INE takes its data from Land Registry. Rather than the Notary offices. This causes a lead […]
Sabadell Bank drop loan to values UK residents
Sabadell fearful of Brexit impact This week saw Sabadell Bank drop loan to values for UK residents. Therefore becoming the first lender in Spain to officially change its Spanish loan criteria. For UK residents. Whilst Sabadell throughout the Banking crisis maintained 70% loan to value. For clients wanting a mortgage in Spain. Those who comfortably […]
Currency legislation affects Spanish Borrowing
What is the legislation and how does it affect borrowing in Spain Currency legislation affects Spanish borrowing. One of the more negative outcomes of the regulation changes on Mortgages in Spain has been the interpretation of the currency legislation. This allows borrowers to request a change of currency on their loan.In certain circumstances. The new […]
July Home loans up in Spain
Current trends July home loans up in Spain. Normal trends in Spain are for Julys figures to be below June. This year the trend was reversed. Maybe due to a number of delayed completions from June. These being the Mortgages in Spain that fell foul of the new regulation requirements. Implemented mid June. The new […]